Keep your membership card with you at all times to easily present it at provider locations. You must present your membership card at the time of service to receive a discount. If you lose your membership card, log in to the Member Portal to request a new membership card, as well as to view your program information, FIND A PROVIDER AND VIEW FEE SCHEDULE and more.
To locate and verify participating providers in your area, simply call Member Services at Call us at (844) 263-8336
or use the
tool. When calling to schedule an appointment, please refer to your membership card for proper network identification.
You are responsible for paying the provider the entire discounted fee at the time the service is provided.
If you have any questions about how to use your discount program, call our Member Services department toll-free at (844) 263-8336, anytime between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ET, for prompt and friendly assistance.